Spremnost Hrvatske za e-learning; potencijal
Tema rada je proučiti potencijal Hrvatske za e-learning; jedan od četiri kriterija 4C[1] modela koji opisuju spremnost Hrvatske za e-learning, te na osnovu te studije dati prijedloge kao povećati potencijal.
Novosti na VetEd.Net
Brojni stručnjaci za veterinarsko obrazovanje su u proteklih 5 godina naglasili da je nužno „preispitati i nadograditi veterinarsku obrazovnu praksu pomoću kolaborativne tehnologije a s ciljem posvećenja učinkovitosti i rezultata“ (Bernardo 2006 ). Uz to je nebrojeno puta naglašeno da promjenu trebamo započeti što prije (Eyre 2010 ). Ono što čini veliku razliku današnjice i vremena od prije par godina je da danas IMAMO alate s kojima tu promjenu možemo napraviti. Na VetEd.Net opisan prijedlog veterinarske obrazovne i koraborativne mreže, a na HUB.VetEd.Net je primjer što bi mogli napraviti ukoliko bi se par fakulteta udružilo. U primjeru su korišteni samo tečajevi koji danas postoje. Dakle, uz melo dobre volje, u par godina možemo imati drastično više. Da ne duljim, pogledate, komentirajte, pitajte, predložite! Sve ideje su dobrodošle, I svi koji žele surađivati! Veselim se vašim komentarima! Vjeko
Izrada scenarija uvođenja e-learninga
Dosta se priča o e-learningu u školama i na fakultetima, pa onda o e-learningu u privatnim školama i privatnim fakultetima… Ja ću, da razbijem monotoniju, probati opisati e-learning situaciju u jednoj grupaciji koristeći drugačiju sistematiku. Naime čini mi se da je posljednjih godina naglo ojačala grupacija koju bi nazvao: NOVAC ZA ZNANJE - ZNANJE ZA NOVAC. Jer oni koji to znanje nude – nude ga za novac. A oni koji to znanje primaju – to čine samo da bi mogli više/bolje zaraditi. Čini se da je obrazovanje je postalo biznis. Pa tako, ako posjetite primjerice www.moj-posao.net, prilikom svake potrage za poslom uočit ćete barem 3-4 poruke o obrazovanju. A ako slučajno odete na www.careerbuilder.com ili www.monster.com (USA), tu se učilišta, među kojima dominiraju online sveučilišta, reklamiraju jako profesionalno; jako intenzivno. Štoviše, University of Phoenix je proteklih tjedan dana bila glavna reklama na Yahoo messengeru.
Lastovo - otok znanja i obrazovanja?
Lastovo, Otok glazbe, nedavno je zajedno s cjelokupnim Lastovskim otočjem postao parkom prirode a, kako stvari stoje, uskoro bi mogao postati i Otokom znanja i obrazovanja. Ideja je spojiti ljepote prirode, vjekovne lastovske tradicije s mogućnostima suvremenih obrazovnih tehnologija. Ili, drugim riječima govoreći, upotpuniti intenzivne online tečajeve s ugodnim druženjem na prelijepom Lastovu i razviti Lastovo kao hrvatski obrazovni brand; hrvatsku turističku e-learning oazu. Što mislite o toj ideji? Više o tome čitajte uskoro na www.lastovo.org. Lastovo - ljepota kao što je uvijek bila .
Education: science, profession or...
Oops, I heard it again. It is like that Breathy Spears song: Oops!...I Did It Again. It is not very logical, but people are singing it.
Yes, twice last week I heard something like:
All you need to be a good teacher is to follow your instincts/feelings. Hmm… how logical is that statement?
Not very.
Teaching as a science and profession has become very sophisticated- much like medicine. Unfortunately, it is very often undervalued: just like medicine was undervalued during the middle ages.
Cabrini Connections Web Development Strategy
Large network. Over the years Cabrini Connections has built a very large and well-connected network of websites, blogs and wikis. It is nice to see so many good ideas and so much enthusiasm in one place.
Productive and progressive. Cabrini Connection was one of the most productive and progressive organizations, – constantly producing new web content and trying new technologies. Cabrini Connections even made an official technology strategy at the beginning of this century while almost half of American and the vast majority of the World’s universities lacked such a document.
Plans are worthless, but planning is everything. Dwight David Eisenhower Planning & Plans. Plans, especially technology plans are like a living being – they are as good as the amount of time and effort we invest in development and application.
 Plan >> Act >> Observe >> Reflect >> Revised Plan >> act >> Observe… - Cabrini Connections’ path to success
So, let’s say a few words about our Web sites. Sustainable web site development has become a big challenge.
The future is already here - it is just unevenly distributed
You have a mobile phone: Right? A small gadget with digital video & photo camera, radio receiver, MP3 player and… Probably, you can browse the internet with your phone and you have a few video games – just in case. OK, some of us have the ‘old models’ without some (all?) of those features… Me, for example. However, sooner or later we will have newer model and…And you have your MySpace/FaceBook/Blog Right?
All of that was like ‘science fiction’ 10 or 15 years ago... It was science fiction for most of us. Aforementioned technology already existed - for example MP3 was patented in 1991. Just the majority of us did not use it; did not even know about it. It was as William Ford Gibson said: The future is already here - it is just unevenly distributed
The future is already here …
The world is different. The world is 2.0
Web 2.0, Business 2.0, e-learning 2.0… Google time, FaceBook time or, Ashton Kutcher outmaneuvers CNN to 1 million on Twitter a few days ago, so who knows, maybe in a few years we will call this period a Twitter time. We will see… in future.
Now we can see that the world is way different than it was 10 or 20 years ago. Kids are different. 20 years ago kids were watching TV, now they are making TV shows with thousands of YouTube fans, 20 years ago we were just consuming content like books, comics. Nowadays they create an enormous amount of text content in format of blogs, wikis, Twitter, FaceBook pages… and those old-fashioned e-mails. We were communicating with our friends in neighborhoods face-to-face or a few phone calls a day, and nowadays they communicate with their friends all around the globe; once a day - constantly… It is a different world. It is a 2.0 world. It is a world that facilitates communication, collaboration, information sharing (and protection) and interoperability on the World Wide Web. It is a world that harnesses the collective intelligence of our global community to build interactive applications and content that improve as more people use them. It is a world where strong, fast growing, highly productive and extremely interactive web based communities have evolved with applications such as Wikipedia, blogs, social-networking or video/picture-sharing sites.
Learning 2.0
Last week we said s few words about the World 2.0, we mentioned the Business 2.0 and Web 2.0… but what about the Learning 2.0? Changes. We can witness huge changes in the educational system; at least in a part of it. Maybe some of us can not notice the differences in our departments, but the changes are already here – they are just unevenly distributed. You remember what Mr. William Ford Gibson said: The future is already here - it is just unevenly distributed. Living the future. Yes, some schools, colleges, even universities are considering wiki, web 2.0 communities, tagging, blogs, as a tools they may use in the future. Others… others are living in that future. Living that future – now.
Education is the kindling of a flame
24 centuries ago a famous Greek philosopher, Socrates, said: Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.
Now, 24 centuries after, this quote is equally relevant – if not even more so. Do we teach or do we preach, do we kindle a flame or do we fill a vessel – the question is now.
Two worlds. For many kids coming to school means coming from an highly interactive, colorful, collaborative world into a place where information flows just in one direction; a place where you have to switch out your batteries, sit and listen.
Why is this?
Scarcity of information. From the dawn of time until recently scarcity of information was the key factor in our society. We did not have data, we were not able to collaborate with an expert from another city, another country, we were not able to publish data on YouTube, MySpace, Wikis, Blogs, we were not able to collaborate with millions of peers…