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Learning 2.0

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Last week we said s few words about the World 2.0, we mentioned the Business 2.0 and Web 2.0… but what about the Learning 2.0?

Changes. We can witness huge changes in the educational system; at least in a part of it. Maybe some of us can not notice the differences in our departments, but the changes are already here – they are just unevenly distributed.
You remember what Mr. William Ford Gibson said: The future is already here - it is just unevenly distributed.
Living the future. Yes, some schools, colleges, even universities are considering wiki, web 2.0 communities, tagging, blogs, as a tools they may use in the future. Others… others are living in that future.
Living that future – now.
Virtual education. While most of us consider educational use of Second Life (a free virtual world developed by developed by Linden Lab) as pure science fiction, there are numerous educational, for profit and nonprofit institutions that use Second Life to train their students, members or employees. NASA, MIT to name a few. Their members, called residents in Second Life are developing (designing, improving, testing) Second Life World collaboratively, just like Wikipedia developers and authors are developing Wikipedia collaboratively.
So… where are you, is it your future or your present?

Too much technology? Blogs, CMS, bookmarking, virtual communities, social networks, audio & video conferences… are just a few of technologies we can use for education.

It is not about technologies. But… learning 2.0 is not about technologies; it is about shift in responsibility, reshaping our roles as teachers and as students. Teachers are not a source of information; not any more – when all the data she plans to present can be googled in 3 seconds. Students are not passive recipients of information, but active researchers, builders of their personal and world knowledge. Right?

Check how it is summarized in this short video. Turn the speakers on and enjoy.

And send your comments.

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